The Benefits of Living Free from Substance Abuse

When people think about sobriety, the first thing that usually comes to mind is alcohol and drugs. But sobriety is much more than just abstaining from these substances. Sobriety is a lifestyle. It means more than just getting rid of substances, it also means a commitment to taking care of yourself in other areas of your life and being aware of your overall wellness.

There are many benefits to living a sober life. It can improve your overall mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. Here are a few reasons to make the decision to live a substance-free life:

1. Mental Clarity

Living sober can increase your mental clarity and focus. You can think more clearly, allowing you to make better decisions. You will be less likely to act impulsively and make bad decisions due to the presence of drugs or alcohol.

2. Improved Relationships

When you live a sober lifestyle, you will be more mindful of your behavior towards others. Your relationships, both with family members and friends, will improve. With your better judgement, you will be better able to maintain healthy relationships.

3. Physical Health

Without the presence of substances in your body, you will be healthier and more fit. Alcohol, drugs, and other addictive substances can lead to negative health effects, such as obesity, liver failure, and more. Sober living allows your body the opportunity to be at its prime condition and remain in a healthy state.

4. Emotional Stability

Sobriety will give you emotional stability and an overall sense of peace. Substance abuse can lead to emotional ups and downs, but when these substances are removed from your life, you will enjoy a more consistent emotional balance.

5. Self-Awareness

Living a sober life will give you time to evaluate yourself. You will have time to see what parts of your life need improvement. You can practice self-care and explore your interests, passions and talents. No longer are you numbing your feelings with bad habits.

6. Financial Health

It can be expensive to maintain a substance abuse habit. When you are spending money on alcohol and other substances, less is going towards your other needs and bills. Living a substance-free life will save you money and help you budget better.

Living a sober lifestyle is not easy, but it is worth it. It is empowering to break an addiction and live a self-determined life. Not only will sobriety improve your physical and mental health, but it will also improve your relationships, finances and overall quality of life. Start your journey toward a healthier future today and commit to living substance-free.

The importance of counseling in aftercare treatment

One of the biggest stages of accomplishments that an addict can achieve is when they become sober after receiving addiction treatment.   

However, when they can successfully withdraw from substances like drugs or alcohol, they still need a proper follow-up system that ensures their sobriety becomes permanent.

Aftercare treatment is an ongoing treatment that recovering addicts need when they become sober. Going for aftercare treatment helps them to apply the necessary coping skills to prevent them from getting addicted.

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One of the key players in aftercare treatment is the counselor. They work closely with the patient to achieve their sobriety goals.

Here are some important roles the counselor plays in aftercare treatment

Boost your motivation for recovery

The counselor encourages you to remain sober and reminds you of the reason why you opted for addiction treatment in the first place.

When you feel that you’ve lost the drive to keep yourself from abusing substances or engaging in addictive behaviors, the counselor steps in to save the situation.

Teach/Remind you coping skills

When patients achieve initial sobriety, one of the best ways they can sustain it is to keep applying coping skills. Some of them who don’t apply these skills might end up getting addicted again.

It is one of the responsibilities of the counselor to remind patients of coping skills that would help them manage challenging situations that are likely to cause a relapse.

Improve confidence level and self-esteem

Another importance of counseling during aftercare treatment is to help patients achieve confidence and build positive self-esteem.

When some patients leave the rehab, they might have self-esteem issues that could prevent them from achieving their personal goals, rebuilding relationships, etc. With counseling, they will be reminded of their worth, and why they are special in this world.

Counseling also helps patients to get back on cordial terms with their loved ones, handle peer pressure, identify underlying health problems, and learn skills that will change their lives for the better.

Health tips for recovering addicts to prevent relapse

When people recover from addiction, they need all the help they can get to prevent a relapse from happening. Usually, a relapse is likely to occur when the individual does not implement the necessary coping skills that can prevent addiction from happening a second time.

With some of the health tips that will be mentioned below, recovering addicts can stop a relapse from happening.

Eat a healthy diet

One of the most important health tips that help to prevent relapse is to eat nourishing food. Ensure that your diet contains the major classes of food like fruits, vegetables, fats, protein, carbohydrates, etc.

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When you eat a healthy diet, it allows your organs to function optimally. Your mental and emotional health too will not be left out because a healthy diet reduces the chances of getting addicted.

Get enough sleep

Another health tip you need to prioritize is getting sufficient sleep. A good rule of thumb is to ensure you sleep between seven to eight hours per day. Improving the rate at which you sleep helps to improve your well-being, reduce the risk of disease, and make you more productive.

Get physically active

If you find yourself getting fatigued or stressed regularly, you need to get regular exercise so that you don’t adopt unhealthy habits. You can spend between 100-150 minutes each week exercising at home or the gym.

Regular exercise comes with several benefits that affect your physical, mental, and emotional health. It also keeps you sober and reduces the chances of a relapse.

Join a support network

Most rehabs have a support network that allows people to be accountable to one another and the therapist in charge. When you join a support network, you will see other individuals like you who are equally working hard to keep their addicted lifestyle behind them.

You can exchange contacts with people in your support network to keep up with their lifestyle and also get motivated by their drive to remain sober permanently.

Addiction Counselling for those Living in Michigan


As with other parts of America, Michigan is also affected by the addiction epidemic. In 2018, there was a 27% increase in drug possession-related crimes within two years. According to a ranking done in 2013, Michigan ranked 10th in America for drug use problems.

Due to the rising tide of substance abuse in Michigan, there has an increased need for counseling services for addicts.

With help from the private sector, meaningful steps are being taken in the state to help addicts.

Within the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), there is the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Section (SAPTS), which provides technical assistance to inpatient rehabilitation service providers and the public.

Here are some of the addiction counseling services available in Michigan. 

Addiction Counseling Services Available in Michigan

The Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Section (SAPTS) is at the forefront of providing counseling to addicts.

Apart from providing funding and technical assistance to the service providers, they provide counseling services to people who suffer from addiction. They also offer specialized services for youths and women.

In Michigan, substance abuse counselors need to be certified by the Michigan Certification Board for Addiction Professionals (MCBAP). The different certifications available are

– Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC)

– Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CAADC)

– Certified Clinical Supervisor (CCS)

– Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS)

– Certified Prevention Consultant-Reciprocal (CPC-R)

– Certified Peer Recovery Mentor (CPRM)

Some certified addiction counseling centers in Michigan include

– Dr. Debra Lewis, Psychologist, and Addiction Therapist, located in Troy, MI

– Pacific Substance Abuse Assessments and Treatment Services located in Jackson, MI

– J & A Counseling and Evaluation located in Midland, MI

– Michigan Counseling Group located in Warren, MI

– New Day Counseling located in Troy, MI

– Gratiot Psychological Services located in Alma, MI

– Landmark Therapy LLC located in Troy, MI

– Grand Rapids Counseling Services located in Grand Rapids, MI

– Transcendence Behavioral Health located in Livonia, MI

The Importance of Aftercare Treatment in Fighting Relapse


Treating addiction is a multistep process. It is beyond detoxification. For effective treatment and rehabilitation, there is a need for follow-up.

What is “Aftercare”? Aftercare describes follow-up treatment after the initial rehab treatment for people who suffer from addiction.

The treatment process occurs in a residential setting within a controlled environment and for a specific period. After the treatment period, the patient has to go back to their old environment. For proper treatment, the rehab has to follow up their treatment with the patient.

In this article, we will explore the importance of aftercare treatment.

Importance of Aftercare Treatment

The three basic steps in addiction treatment are Detox – Inpatient Treatment – Aftercare Program.  

When people suffer from substance addiction, these toxic substances accumulate within the body. The first step in treating these people is Detox. During detox, these substances are safely cleared out of the body system via medical procedures. After detox, inpatient treatment occurs.

During inpatient treatment, various methods are adopted to restructure the person mentally. Three months of inpatient treatment may not be sufficient to cure a drug addiction problem of 10 years hence the need for long-term recovery plans.

In the Aftercare Treatment, patients are guided on how to

– Continue their recovery journey

– Prevent relapse

Addiction starts as a habit; habits are formed from people’s responses to cues in their environment.

This is why relapse is possible when people move back to their old environment after treatment at the rehabilitation centers. The aftercare program helps the recovering addict form new habits within their old environment and avoid the trigger factors.

During proper aftercare, there should be support groups for recovering addicts. To help them build their mental resilience against their trigger factors. Recovering patients should have access to counseling therapists and group therapy sessions.  

The Stages Of Relapse

Relapse “refers to returning to the use of an addictive substance or behavior, such as cigarette smoking.” But what some people fail to understand is that relapse doesn’t just happen all of a sudden – for there is a certain set of stages that it follows before doing so. In turn, the build-up of repressed thoughts – or even one fateful occurrence – can cause a plethora of problems for a recovering addict, but relapse comes through two stages being; 1. emotional, and 2. mental. 

First and foremost is emotional relapse which is where the person may begin to repress certain feelings or thoughts about something. One example of this is if the addict begins to find himself/herself feeling lonely – or depressed – and doesn’t think that anyone else will rightfully understand what he/she is going through. It is during this time that he/she may isolate himself/herself from the outside world – which can be a set up for relapse if he/she is not careful. That’s why it’s so important to express emotion in a healthy way – while in the recovery process – rather than to try and keep it contained. 

Second is mental relapse – which can be very dangerous. When you are in this stage you begin to think about a variety of things – such as reusing the substance you’re addicted to, no matter whether it’s drugs, alcohol, or both. Not only that, but you’ll begin to war with your own conscious – as you try and overcome the old habit that comes back to mind. In turn, this stage houses a much greater consequence – because after it is where the actual relapse itself is soon to follow, in the form of the third stage being; physical relapse. 

In conclusion, it’s important to have a sense of understanding in regard to these stages of relapse. In doing so, you are able to get the help you need – no matter whether you’re a new addict or one in recovery. Besides, when you have an idea of what relapse looks like in its early stages – of mental and emotional – you are more equipped to stop it before it reaches the later stages of physical. You don’t have to try and battle addiction on your own – or feel ashamed by your urges to relapse. In those moments remind yourself why you quit using in the first place; call a friend, preoccupy yourself, or other such things. You’ll be glad you did.

The Link Between Weather & Substance Abuse

For those who are currently struggling with addiction, or have struggled with addiction in the past, cold weather can pose as more of a problem than one might expect. For, it is during the cold months, when a small amount of light shines through the overcast of clouds, that many who face seasonal depression, and even those who don’t, begin to notice a change within their mood. Some might not understand it, while others might not even be aware of the effect that the weather has on them, but it does, and creeps in ever so slowly, making it difficult for recovering addicts, as well as new ones. This can be seen especially in the area of Michigan, as the substance abuse outweighs the amount of rehab centers. For, even in googling Michigan rehab, several of small red dots scatter themselves clear across the state map.

Sadly, according to one recent article dating back to May 14, 2018 “one study found that Michigan ranks fourth in the United States for states with the highest drug use in 2018.” And although weather isn’t the only factor to blame, it can still make a big difference as it causes individuals to experience “Lethargy, Difficulty concentrating, Oversleeping, Depression, and Anxiety.” This often happens as a result of individuals being unable to get outside, and/or getting active like they normally would, as they find themselves trapped inside due to cold conditions.  

In turn, this is a season in which it becomes hard for individuals to keep busy, and begin to lack activities to take part in. As a result, this can cause addicts to relapse, especially if they are prone to spending the holidays alone, while people they would normally engage with travel home for the holidays. In fact, loneliness, boredom, and other such feelings/emotions that one might experience during the holiday season can pose as a trigger causing addicts to potentially relapse.

In Detroit, the average annual snowfall for one year totals at 42.7. Detroit’s worst snow storm totals up to be 24.5 inches, with the second being 19.3 inches. In addition, Michigan is known for temperatures in the single digits, as well as in the negatives. As a result, the pain and uncomfortability that addicts might feel as a result of the cold, can also cause them to turn to drugs or alcohol to numb the pain, or to keep warm. In relation to alcohol, many might feel warm by drinking it, but even though it feels as though their body temperature is rising, it in fact “lowers the core temperature of your body”.

In conclusion, the cold weather that the people of Michigan are faced with can very well cause a plethora of other factors to come into play, and affect several struggling with substance abuse, no matter whether it comes in the form of alcohol, drugs, or both. That’s why it is so important that one makes sure to find healthy ways to keep their addiction at bay in the midst of such months, and surround themselves with people, and things that keep their joy up, rather than to isolate themselves indoors from the world that surrounds them. When you feel the urge to self indulge, and try to forget what ever may be bothering you, think of checking in with a drug alcohol rehabilitation facility for more information.

Michigan Addiction Treatment

addiction treatment facility MichiganMichigan is a state in the U.S. that has faced its share of trials in recent years. In the 1980’s, Michigan’s state capitol Detroit was a boom town of automobile manufacturers and the future looked endlessly bright for the industrial city. By the year 2000, however, American automobile sales were declining, and in 2007, the great recession of the United States housing market crash gave the automobile manufacturers of Detroit a fatal blow. Over the next few years, all of the large automobile manufacturers folded and their facilities were abandoned. What used to be the picture of industrial glory fell into ruin as the plant life, animal life and homeless population of Michigan moved into the abandoned structures. Since that time, Detroit has declared bankruptcy, leaving a population of over 680,000 without a budget for the most basic public services, such as a police and fire department that is anywhere near big enough to manage the city.

Because of the dilapidation of Detroit, mental health problems have risen immensely. The city has a long history of substance abuse problems and seasonal depression, due in part to the unforgiving winter conditions. When the city went bankrupt and the job and housing market tanked, the situation got much worse. Crime rose exponentially as well as addiction, substance abuse and mental disorders. The mental health treatment centers within the city were depleted of whatever government funding they had, but were experiencing higher volumes of clients than ever before. Amazingly, city services are still operating, despite being horribly overworked. Detroit residents are very loyal to their home city and a great many have stuck it out. There are still a few operating rehabilitation centers in Detroit for those who are struggling with addiction, or there are treatment facilities in neighboring cities such as Ann Arbor and Grand Rapids. If you are a Michigan resident struggling with addiction, there are are still private addiction treatment centers available to you if you reach out for them.

Michigan Rehabs

rehabs of MichiganThe addiction treatment facilities of Michigan are somewhat overwrought right now, due to substance abuse problems at an all time high and funding for health programs at an all time low. Still, there are several quality addiction treatment centers in Michigan that are available to those who do not want to travel far from home to receive the treatment they need. Treatment locations in and around Detroit, Ann Arbor and Grand Rapids come highly recommended and do not put a great deal of distance between clients and their support systems.

Detroit rehabilitation centers are heavily taxed right now, but some of them have higher success rates than others in the nation due to their years of experience with substance abuse. Detroit has long been a drug capitol of the United States and has created heavy demands on the treatment facilities in and around the city. Some of these facilities are suffering in treatment quality because of low funding, so be sure to research which treatment centers are licensed and thriving before you commit to one.

Ann Arbor is the biggest city within 100 miles of Detroit. It has a downtown area, but much of it is more rural than Detroit. This is a good area to recover from addiction in for those who are seeking a smaller city environment that is more out of the way than Detroit. It is also far enough away from Detroit to reduce the temptation to be drawn into its substance abuse culture.

Grand Rapids is on the western side of the state, opposite from Detroit and Ann Arbor. Michigan residents who are seeking an addiction treatment network with an entirely different culture than Detroit should look into centers in Grand Rapids. There is more access to natural scenery in the Grand Rapids area, which can offer a very therapeutic element.

If you or someone in your life is a Michigan resident who is struggling with addiction but does not want to leave Michigan to attend a rehabilitation program, consider one of the excellent addiction treatment facilities within Detroit, Ann Arbor and Grand Rapids.

Addiction Services Near the Great Lakes and Canada

addiction services Great Lakes CanadaMichigan is a state that has long required assistance with substance abuse problems. Detroit is one of the drug capitols of North America particularly since the recession of 2007. Unfortunately, with Detroit in bankruptcy, Michigan has little to offer in the way of addiction or substance abuse treatment, and Michigan residents have discovered the need to venture away from home in order to receive the treatment they require. This is not entirely a bad thing. Sometimes taking space from the region and the people where an addiction or substance abuse problem developed actually gives people a higher success rate. There are a number of quality addiction treatment centers in the area surrounding Michigan.

In the United States, the area near the great lakes encompasses several large cities that are home to some world class addiction treatment centers. Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Cleveland, Ohio offer urban treatment centers as well as rural countryside treatment centers on the outskirts of the city. These areas are mostly out of the way and offer a great deal of privacy and anonymity. Chicago, Illinois is home to a demographic of high profile individuals who may require a more luxurious treatment center, which the city of Chicago has several of.

For a more radical change of environment, Michigan residents seeking addiction treatment abroad should not overlook Canadian facilities. Canada has a very high standard on its medical and mental health treatment facilities and offers some of the best rehabilitation centers in North America. In Eastern Canada, cities like Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and Quebec City are all equipped with state of the art addiction treatment centers that accommodate individuals from the United States and Canada alike. Ontario also offers some very scenic countryside in which several rehab centers are situated. Western Canada has addiction treatment centers in cities like Vancouver, Kelowna, Calgary and Edmonton. Western Canada statistically has more substance abuse problems than anywhere else in the country, particularly near Vancouver, British Columbia and Fort McMurray, Alberta. Wester Canada’s addiction treatment centers are the most cutting edge in the nation.